Government Assisted Business
Loans In Singapore.
Obtain Low Cost Business
Financing Quickly.

Get a loan
No collateral required.
Low Rate Business loans
From $20,000 to $5,000,000
Start Saving
Interest Rates start from
Fixed Rate per annum,
Effective rate from 8.5%

Equity Structures The Following Products

SME Working
Capital Loans

Bridging Loan

Term Loans

The SME Working Capital Loan is a government supported initiative for SME’s and other businesses in Singapore. Part of the Enterprise Financing Scheme, qualified SME’s can obtain up to S$1,000,000 (One Million) from April 2020. This is an increase over the previous loan quantum of up to S$300,000.

The Temporary Bridging Loan is also a government supported initiative for businesses in Singapore. Suitable for fast growing SME and businesses in Singapore. Loan amounts are up to S$100,000 with no early repayment penalty.

Business Term Loans allow you to access credit from S$100,000 to S$2,000,000. Loan Tenures can be between 1 to 5 years at a flexible and affordable interest rate. In addition, customized loan products can be structured for the business according to your business requirements.


Purchase Order


Invoice Financing allows you to factor invoices you have issued to your clients. This allows you to obtain cash in advance for invoices not yet paid. This is a flexible option to unlock your cashflow and grow your business operations.

PO or Purchase Order Financing allows you to get financing for you to complete your order. If your client has issued a Purchase Order to you, you will be able to finance a percentage of it for you to order from your supplier first to deliver to your clients.

If you have an asset with value to pledge, you can obtain financing based on a percentage of the asset. Typical assets that can be pledge are residential or commercial properties in Singapore and a deferred principle payment scheme can be structured.

Share Pledge



For Listed Companies, Share Pledge Financing can be a viable option. The Company or Significant Shareholders pledges the shares they own and in return obtains financing on a percentage or LTV (Loan-To-Value) of the current Share Price

For businesses that would like to purchase equipment or Machinery to start or expand production capability, you can obtain a loan or a lease to finance your latest purchase. Loan Tenures can be up to 5 years and the loan amount is dependent on the type of machinery or equipment being purchase.

For businesses that would like short-term financing or are unable to obtain bank loans, companies can apply for Private Financing by lenders for a slightly higher interest rate, but more flexible eligibility criteria.

We are an online businesses financing portal > Equity is a online business financing resource in Singapore. We provide free and easily accessible information on business loans in Singapore. We have extensive experience structuring both bespoke and turnkey financing solutions for both Singapore and companies overseas. Let us find you a financing solution quickly, easily and at a low cost.

For a no obligation discussion, please click here.

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We Work With The Following Lenders

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Why Get A Business Loan?

For Cashflow

All busineses needs working capital to enable they day to day operations. If busineses do not have enough cashflow, it could mean a breakdown in operations, such as missing payroll and not paying suppliers or bills. Having the necessary cashflow enables you to carry out business operations smoothly and without interruption.

Equity Can help raise the cashflow needed by structuring a business loan for you. With our qualified specialists , the application is quick and simple and we do all the work between you and the banks. Upon an enquiry, we usually respond within 3-4 hours, so you can obtain financing quickly and easily.

What Can A Business Loan Be Used For?

Business loans can be used to purchase stocks and goods for upcoming projects. For example, a construction company has just been awarded a project for a building and the firm now requires to purchase the necessary equipment and materials needed. In addition, manpower costs also have to be paid for.

With the assistance of a business loan, this construction company can now carry out the project while servicing a low monthly installment for the business loan. Once the project has been completed, the business can decide to pay off the loan.

Equity Can help apply for a business loan for you with all banks in Singapore. With our qualified specialists , the application is quick and simple and we do all the work between you and the banks. Upon an enquiry, we usually respond within 3-4 hours, so you can obtain financing quickly and easily.

What Is The Criteria To Apply For Business Loan In Singapore?

Business loans can be tricky, often than not, the business owner is an expert in all things related to his business. However, when it comes to financing, SME’s are unfamiliar navigating the different criteria and other requirements that the banks require.

Equity Can help cut through the red tape quickly and easily . With our experienced loan specialists , the application is quick and simple and we do all the work between you and the banks. Upon an enquiry, we usually respond within 3-4 hours, so you can obtain financing quickly and easily.

What Is The Best Bank To Apply For A Business Loan?

There are many banks in Singapore offering business loans. In fact, each bank has their own set of different criteria for the same product. This sometimes can be confusing for business owners who already have to concentrate on their own business.

Equity can help apply for a business loan for you quickly and easily and directly with the banks. We are familiar with the criteria and can get you a loan seamlessly and without all the red tape so you can concentrate on growing your business.

How It Works

  • Make a Free Enquiry.
  • An Equity financing specialist will reach out to you for some simple details.
  • We work together with you for the documentation.
  • You relax and we do the heavy lifting for you.
  • We contact you when its approved for signing down the loan.